The slightest carelessness can lead to a fire. Let’s be very careful when handling fire and aim for a town with zero fires.
Precautions to prevent fires
- Do not place flammable items around the house.
- Do not smoke in bed or throw cigarettes away.
- When frying tempura, do not leave the area.
- Do not build a fire when it is windy.
- Do not allow children to play with matches or lighters.
- Use electrical appliances properly, and do not wire them in a way that makes them burn.
- Keep flammable items away from stoves.
Fire prevention measures
- Place home fire alarms to prevent delayed escape.
- Place fire retardant products to prevent fires from bedding, clothing, and curtains.
- Place fire extinguishers to put out fires while they are small.
- Create a cooperative system with nearby residents to protect the elderly and physically disabled.
Housing Fire Prevention Video
This video summarizes the 10 key points of housing fire prevention measures. It can be viewed on the Ota City YouTube channel.
- Housing fire prevention “Ten Points to Protect Life”(Link to External site)
Security & Safety Division, General Affairs Department
Telephone number: 0276-63-3111
Counter location: Counter No. 20 on the 2nd floor of the Town Hall