Living Orientation Video

Orientation videos are available on YouTube to introduce the rules of daily life in Japan to help foreigners who are considering living in Japan or who are living in Japan to live in Japan more smoothly.
This video introduces basic information and rules for living, working, and taxes in Japan in 17 languages.

Example of use 

・Viewing before or after entering Japan in order to learn about the rules
 of living in Japan, etc.
・To be used to inform people in their native language when they need
 explanations about various systems and rules at Town hall, etc.
・To be used as one of the materials when conducting pre-entry or post-
    entry training for technical intern trainees and daily life orientation for
    specified skilled foreign nationals.
・To be used by companies accepting foreign employees and educational
    institutions accepting foreign students to explain the various
    procedures necessary for living in Japan.

In addition to the above, please use these videos in a variety of other situations.