Storm Drainage Pipe Culvert Construction (Division No. 2) in the Furugori District

The town has been constructing storm drainage culverts in the Furugori district in response to the torrential rains that have been occurring frequently in recent years.
Traffic restrictions are scheduled during the construction period. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to residents living near the construction site and to users of the roads, and ask for your understanding and cooperation.

Storm Drainage Pipe Culvert Construction (Division No. 2) in the Furugori District)

Construction Location

Oizumi-machi, Oaza Furugori area

A section about 50 meters north of one intersection east of the northeast intersection of the Furugori Cemetery is closed to traffic.

Construction Period

From early December 2023 until late March 2024 (scheduled)

Type of regulation

Complete closure of the road

Construction Contractor

  • Company name: Chichibu Construction Co., Ltd.
  • Address: 1-11-10 Higashi-Koizumi, Oizumi-machi, Gunma
  • Telephone number: 0276-63-5161


Public Works Management Division, Urban Construction Department 
Counter Location : Counter No.12, 2nd floor of the Town hall